A Story of Hope:

From Personal Loss to Global Change

Everyone has losses and personal struggles, many of us just don’t talk about them. Crystal the Founder of Hope Unite shares, "When it got quiet, I started to process the loss of my husband to suicide in 2017, along with the feelings of hopelessness that got him there.

Many people struggle with these thoughts from time time, myself included. Silence often mask suffering; we can never truly know what someone else is going through. A simple act of kindness has the power to change a life. My experience with these feelings gave me a deep empathy towards the pain my husband was in, and brought an awareness that at that very moment other people were feeling the same." that is how Hope Unite began.

It was in the moments of reflection and connection with her own grief that the seeds of Hope Unite were sown. Crystal realized she was not alone in her struggle. This realization sparked a desire to create a space where no one would have to suffer in silence. Hope Unite is more than just an organization; it's a personal testament to the power of empathy, the importance of mental health awareness, and the profound impact a simple act of kindness can have. Crystal's story is shared to encourage people that even in our darkest moments hope can be found, inspiring others to join the movement and share hope together to support those grappling with life's challenges. Her vision is clear: to see a world where every individual knows they matter and has the support they need.

To learn more about our founder, the challenges she faces, and solutions she implements to help her during these harder days, you can read more here:

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(comforting others from personal experience)

Become a Part of Our Mission: Join the You Matter Movement

Your voice, your heart, your acts of kindness has the power to save a life.

Joining the You Matter Movement means more than just supporting a cause; it’s about actively engaging in a global community dedicated to spreading hope and affirming the value of every individual. Through volunteering, sharing the message, or offering financial support, your involvement matters and helps us to continue to get this message out.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. Join us in our mission to eradicate suicide and spread a message of hope that echoes across the globe.

Your Story Matters:

Share with the Hope Unite Community

At Hope Unite, we recognize that every smile holds a unique story. We invite you to share your story of hope, challenge, or adversity. By sharing, you offer support and inspiration to others and reinforce the belief that everyone matters and deserves to be heard.

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Given the nature of our organization, we may collect sensitive information related to mental health & crisis situations.

We handle such information with the utmost care and confidentiality.

We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. All Donations are Tax Deductible.

We believe that all people matter. We cater to everyone regardless of their gender, race, religion, political party, or sexual orientation.